Personal Message


Kingdom: Unclaimed Lands
Role: Huntress
Secret about your character: She was attacked by a dragon-like creature who fatally wounded her. But she was brought back from death by the creature itself, who in turn claimed her as it's next host once it's current host passes. (she has a large scar that goes from her sternum across her entire stomach).
Short Bio: Amara has only known the Outlands. She was raised on a pirate ship after claims that her mother passed while giving birth. She was seen as a curse to some (another pathetic mouth to feed), but was raised by a caring man who treated her like family. He taught her how to navigate the world, even in it's hardships. After all, everyone had to fend for themselves out here in the unclaimed lands. She always will have a fondness for her pirate upbringing, but she grew into a young woman, and decided it would be best to search for her own path. She now roams as a huntress named black fire, both hired for animals and humans, to whomever can pay her price, regardless of origin.