main profile image of a red, black, and white koi fish in dark waters. the image is oil painted.
Welcome to yoo shiah's life
full name.
yoo shiah (yooa)
september 17th, 1997 + 27
criminal psychology 
boutique owner
single; broken
Yoo Shiah is also known by her nickname Yooa. Her friends gave it to her back in high school and it followed her up until the present.

Yooa's quirks and personality range from being bossy to calm and collected and giving others a chance. However, the woman tends to be nitpicky concerning important things, truthfully, she's also fussy when doing miniature tasks as well. She's a perfectionist and she dislikes disorder, having ocd for certain things. The side her money faces in her wallet, closing the doors after using a room. The toothpaste is placed at a certain angle or position on the sink cabinet. Yooa is quite the person. She's bossy concerning things to do with work or her studies. She always takes the leadership role in group projects, leading and guiding her fellow group mates. 

A commander, her personality is as such, although, sometimes she'd rather lurk in the shadows and watch from afar, not saying anything as she allows others around her to pick up their slack. After all, it's about time. 
"The most dangerous woman of all is the one who refuses to rely on your sword to save her because she carries her own." 
posted on 00.00
4.20k notes.
《T.W- mentions of: emotional, verbal, physical and s3xual abuse.》
[Ideas were prompted from vc andrews heaven]

Yooa's life is not as delightful as her actions. She's a precious girl, smiling, laughing, interacting with others to the best of her ability, and making them feel secure in a warm blanket of hope and love. Did Yooa ever receive such love, however? Sadly, that isn't the case. 

Her mother and stepfather died in a car crash, her mother was abusive and she didn't like Yooa because she always stressed that Yooa reminded her of the woman she once was. Attractive, and appealing to others and she got the attention of men around their circle. Her mother married a wealthy guy and they had many night parties where Yooa's mother would trapeze her around for men's entertainment. Fawning over how pretty she's growing up to be. How she's, "growing out" of her clothes and it shows in her bosom. 
Ashamed, embarrassed, and saddened that her mother would verbally, emotionally, and physically abuse her. She also sold her out to men and women around their group. Allowing them to use and abuse her daughter as they pleased from the tender age of 16 until she was 19.
Thankfully, her mother died but the one person who was there for her; her stepfather, albeit also having ulterior motives. He never crossed a line, always trying to help and look out for her in what may come her way. They died, and she ventured out on her own. Finally being legal she can look for a job, settle down and start her tertiary education. .
The first job she had was at a sauna, grueling hard work to find money to pay for her studies, applying to the psychology department and currently enjoying the program and relating a lot, wanting to help others and make a difference in the world; she's currently doing her BSc in clinical psycholoogy. Yooa, luckily met her aunt when she moved to this quaint little village, moving back to her roots one can say, leaving the states and finding her mother's sister has been searching for her through the years. Finally after making contact, the woman had cancer and it didn't take long for stage four to ride up on her, killing her off instantly, tragically and horribly, it broke Yooa to pieces, the one person who actually cared about her who's her own flesh and blood. Yooa lacks empathy concerning individuals she isn't too close with, and even though, these two met for two weeks only and bonded for such a brief moment— Yooa felt her entire world crashing when the woman died. 
Her aunt left her quaint boutique in her stead, not having a child to pass it down to, Yooa's the new owner of Star Collection's boutique, selling a range of clothing, jewelry, accessories, random trinkets, makeups, hair color, skin and body care products and the likes. When she isn't at school, she's there, she has two workers [connections] working for her currently and helping her tend the store when she is going to her classes and tending to studies.
She loves what she does and tries to keep her monsters at bay because the girl never had a lover due to how messed up her past is. It made her into someone she doesn't enjoy being and that someone would like to have fun with men around, even some women. Never really settling and skittishly running off. 
Yooa is damaged, fragile, and broken, whatever she showcases, shouldn't be taken to heart because what she gives off is nothing as to what darkness lies within. 
 run deep in my veins, carry me through the night.
ex best friend.
You knew Yooa like the back of your hand, but over time, she became distant, withdrawn. You never understood her anymore and when your family found out about yooa's helpless background, they pulled you away from her. Not wanting you to be friends with the likes of 'scum.' [male or female]

childhood crush. [Taken]

Whenever you think of puppy love, yooa comes to mind. You knew her as a kid growing up, being abused and treated like nothing by her mother. You loved her nonetheless, as pure as a child can love someone. You wanted to marry her, wisk her away and save her from the horrors of her life. She was the most beautiful girl you laid eyes on, and even with welts running over her skin, shes dynamic! You protected her, worshipped her and she loved you back, but why do all fairytales come to an end? What went wrong? (We can discuss ideas) [male wanted around the same age, younger or older doesn't matter]
my senior. [Taken] 
you're fatally attractive and smart, quite the catch! All the girls fawn over you at school and yooa appreciated your looks sure but its your brain, that smart cookie that makes her intrigued. She wants to learn more, know more, she looks up at you, idolizes you and worships you. You're porbably the only person yooa idolized as much as she does Freud (unpopular opinion yes. [Male; senior or professor doesnt matter.]
Sassy but classy.
Books, especially on psychology and behavior, criminal behavior, watching criminal documentaries, horrors, chicken pizza and beer, chocolate, the nightlife, animals, isolating herself when she needs a social break, intense activities and sports
People up in her business or those who are judgemental and think they're better than others. Envious and jealous people.
Extreme sports, swimming, drawing, reading, music, dancing, seeking adventures with friends and even strangers. A risk taker; this one
Bouncing her foot up and down, chewing her nails, nibbling her lower lip when either nervous or flirting and toying with her mother mary pendant on her chain when studying, talking or in general. It's her comfort.
The dark, heights, enclosed spaces and even the deep water albeit enjoying a swim.
Her size, she's tiny and a bit weak, she has too many baggage from her past that makes her mentally ed up. Overthinker, doesn't trust easily if at all. Doesn't know how to handle a relationship or healthy friendship. She acts like she cares but frankly, she can't derive empathy for friends unlike strangers concerning studies or research cases in her major.
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.
now playing.
how to eat life
e ve
posted on 00.00
6.9k notes.
name here
date here
status here
On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish.

In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted.
let's rp.
《3rd pov, for me only. You can do as you please. Gmt-4. Semi-slow replies. Refer to me by my username or muse's name. I try to mirror length, just give something to work with. I'm patient and I love plotting so let's brainstorm together. Genres include: drama, angst, , dark elements (I take heed to triggers), slice of life, frenemy tropes, enemies to lovers, strangers to lover, friends to lovers, exes to present lovers, etc. Talk to me, I am reasonable. Here for a good time, not a long time.》 
once a day or every two days replies!
To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?