my bubba
just me
about me!
Hello. Thank you for dropping by my page to check on details about me. I'm Adèle Grisoni, from France, and a full-time model. If you want to know more about me, keep scrolling down this section.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. 

— quote credit

I'm pretty easy to please. Just like most people, I like food, taking naps, and going out and about to travel, but I have this thing for beaches, skies (esp. sunset skies), city lights, driving at night, going on spontaneous trips, and just being in a quiet place and even go on for hours on end without talking and just being in the moment to relax. 


When it comes to the basic stuff, I don't like any funny-tasting food, like bitter and foods that are too sour and spicy. I like everything in moderation when it comes to food. Other dislikes in life would be minor inconveniences, people who test my limits in a bad way, and disrespectful people. If you are any of those, turn around, walk or find another direction to go because I don't tolerate bull.


I really can't keep a hobby for my own good. It always changes, hence why I have lots of stuff in a box of the things that I like to do but to give you an idea, I like painting, doing handmade stuff and gifting them, taking photos of the sky and things that are around me that catches my attention, landscape/street photography, and well, thinking of Jamie and simping over my mommy. ♥


My goal is just to not be a despicable person. At first that's my goal, but now, it's to just keep my friends happy, especially my girlfriend, my mate, Jamie Park.

— chapter one

Nothing much to know about me because everything's indicated above. But if you're wondering why my is in Seoul and in this resort, I just need an escape from my toxic friends in France, and years of gaslighting and other bad experiences are what made me flee my own motherland.

— chapter two

Right now, I can't be any happier where I am in life and I do not regret leaving behind because by doing so, I've gained more than I'll ever do and I'm content with my life right now. I love being here, being around people that I know who love me and won't treat me like I'm just an object or someone that they can trample over and treat like . Just a fair warning though, since I love everyone in this place, especially Jamie and Seonghwa, if anyone ever dares to try and hurt them or anyone in the resort, I'll come after you. I'll make sure you'll regret it and you'll never wake up the same for as long as you're breathing.

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adèle grisoni!
@adèle grisoni
full name
adèle grisoni
date of birth
june 03, 1993
love interest
park jamie
zodiac sign
gmt +8 (ph)
reply speed
out of character!
personal information
— rules

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— writing style

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibu.

— genres

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love interest
full name
insert here
insert here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.