Personal Message


Kim Mingyu
Versatile top
Romantic relationship / Friendship /


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Character Backstory

Mingyu was created three hundred-something years ago when the owner of the mansion was in the experimental phase of producing creatures for sale. He was created as an angel first but later he was infused with a tiny part of the creator's own demon blood and his miasma, making Mingyu a Nephalem, one of the most powerful beings to exist. Mingyu was not available for purchase and the creator wanted him to be a protector and a weapon to ensure his experiments are safe from the outer world.

Despite the expectations, Mingyu turned out to be an unsuccessful invention, as his angel grace seemed to overpower the demon's blood and destroy the miasma while gradually wearing itself off, making Mingyu a much weaker being to serve the purpose he was made for. Yet, Mingyu wanted to prove himself to his creator by attempting to fulfill his duty as the guardian of the lab and the mansion. He used whatever power was left with him to fight the intruders, the humans from the outside world who came to steal the secrets from the lab and destroy his creator. 

His last and only memories are of the night he fought off hundreds of men and their weapons in a last attempt to save the mansion and his master. He had burnt out all his angelic grace in the end. before he got succumbed to something darker and started to malfunction the creator decided to deactivate him. The last words Mingyu remembers him saying was ''take rest...your time is up" 

Now that Mingyu is reactivated after 3 centuries, he struggles to find the meaning behind the fragments of his memories. His angel grace is restored but his demonic powers seem to be more powerful and out of control this time. And Mingyu struggles to control himself from succumbing to the dark while living as a pretentious persona of a calm boyfriend in the mansion. 

to be continued...