Personal Message
by motomami.
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basic info
park jihyo
date of birth
february 1, 1997
freelance game writer
relationship status
gmt -4
writing style
mirror / usually 3rd
my profile
pantone #e7c280!
scroll down.

growing up, jihyo was always interested in the creative arts in some way.  during her time in high school and college, she was involved in choir and even minored in music theory. but after being...gently disuaded from pursuing a music career, she shifted her focus to her other hobby: games. Despite not being the best at games, or even being competitive, she loved stories in video games and wanted to be responsible for giving a world for players to explore. Once she was in her senior year for English with a focus in creative writing, she had landed her dream internship at a prominent gaming company. 

During her internship, jihyo had caught the eye of a senior within the company. they were in different departments, but they went out of their way to woo her. once she graduated and finished the internship, she accepted a full time position. and the two grew closer. eventually, they were going out regularly and were the subject to gossip around the office. then one day, jihyo heard some unflattering things about her going around - private things about her that only her partner would've known. when confronted, the partner feigned ignorance. jihyo felt unsafe in the company, so she broke things off and left after two years. 

now she works independently, from the comforts of her apartment most days. 


Jihyo's an introvert, she finds herself easily overwhelmed in crowds of people or whenever she has to speak to lots of people at a time. she's honest, almost a laughibly bad liar. she's also nuruting and gentle, someone who could be described as being "the mom friend." 

Due to how poorly her previous relationship went, she has some walls and some insecurities. part of her yearns for emotional intimacy, but she usually stops herself from ever getting that far - out of fear of rejection, or fear that her love would be misplaced again. she doubts herself a lot, as well, something that began as far back as childhood. 

love interest
date here
insert here
status here
insert here


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coffee (with lots of syrup and almond milk), ice cream, strawberry anything, thunderstorms, music of all kinds, video games, notebooks, walking at night.


inconsiderate people, math, not being understood, liars, winter, sparkling water


playing dating sims, singing wherever she is, taking notes of cool names, collecting crystals, trying new foods, going to new places


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

out of character
heyy. motomun here! just a quick disclaimer; i work a full time job with variable hours, so i may not always have time to get replies out the fastest. feel free to ask about our status, or poke me if i don't reply after a week! i just have chronic forgor disease. also this should go without saying, but mun /=/ muse. if there's any problem with something ic, please feel free to reach out to me personally so we can resolve it.