
boyfriend code: 307

Full Name: Wen Jiyang (Song Jiyang)
Alias: A'Yang (his parents from the past life), Shuanghua (reserved for family and loved ones), Jiji (by friends), My Little Flower (by Jeff)
Timezone: GMT +1
Hobbies/Skills: Dancing, especially Classical Chinese Dance. Reading ancient texts of a long forgotten time. Walking through the forest. Cooking for others. Speaks in Ancient Chinese, but has no recollection of how or why he can. 
Traits: Has the ability to manipulate Greek Fire, but unfortunately has a fear of it for reasons he can't understand so he does not use it often. Patient, Kind, Understanding, Welcoming. Blunt. Ambitious.
Flaws: Puts the wellbeing of others before his own, lets others use him until they don't need him anymore and he's tossed to the side. Incredibly stubborn, once he puts his mind to something he won't ever change it. A . Unable to turn into a wolf. Has a fear of fire and the heat. Can be harsh and cold, especially if he dislikes you. Prideful and (slightly) Vain. Ambitious.
Species: Wolf
Position: Submissive Switch
Poly?: No, Monogamous. 
Available for: . Friendship. 

Scent: Smells of Sichuan Peppercorns, Star Anise, Cherrywood and Crackling embers.

Appearance: Short, black hair. Ruby red eyes from the Clan he hailed from. Tall, 184 cm (6'0). 62 kg (137 lbs). Has a birthmark that looks like the sun on his shoulder, a scar on his stomach, and at the base of the back of his neck is a tattoo of a red spiderlily.

Items of note: 

  • an ancient sword forged of iron, the bindings that hold the ancient sword to the scabbard of the blade are tied tight and covered in a coating of mercury, strongly binding the blade together. even with the strongest force imaginable, jiyang can not unsheathe the blade. he's not sure why he has it, but he can't help but feel a pain in his chest every time he stares at it. 
  • another sword, only this time, jiyang can unsheathe it with ease. it's a silver sword with the engraving of "霜华" on the blade. frost adorns the bronze scabbard and the blade is intricately carved into with spiderlilies and lotuses. 
  • as of recently, jiyang's old memories have resurfaced. as a result, causing his personality to change. formerly bright, bubbly, and sweet, jiyang has become crueler, colder, much more manipulative as a result of his old memories. therefore: jiyang has changed. more for the worse rather than the better. 
  • a ring made of rubies and diamonds. an engagement ring from jeff, jiyang never takes it off and cherishes it more than the swords he has from his past life. 

- jeff satur || ballroom || need to reply
- jeff satur || jeff's bedroom || need to reply
- jeff satur || walls || need to reply.

updated: 01-01-2023