full name : Vlad III Drăculea
other name(s) : Count Dracula, Drac, Vlad Ţepeș, Vlad the Impaler.
birthdate : 20 October 1428.
birthplace : Sighișoara, Transylvania, Romania.
orientation : Panual, Panromantic.
species : Human (Birth - 1477), Vampyre (1477 - Present).
bloodline : Akashan.
powers : Telepathy, Self Healing, Persuasion, Shapeshifting.
occupation : Voivode of Wallachia, Count of Transylvania.
fledglings : Lestat de Lioncourt, Lucy Westenra, Quincey Harker (Biological dhampyr son).
faceclaim : Claes Bang.
positive traits : Honest, charming, loyal, courageous, ambitious, romantic, dedicated, academic, ingenious, resilient.
neutral traits : Calculating, flirtatious, sensitive, fierce, rebellious, tactful, unpredictable, philosophical.
negative traits : Stubborn, vengeful, holds a grudge, self indulgent, violent, antagonistic, manipulative, ruthless, arrogant.
likes : Literature, fine art, cinema and film, academics, studying new topics (especially history), challenging games or duels, lush greenery and gardens, beautiful mountains, spring, wildlife animals (inclination for wolves and panthers), luxurious fabrics (silk, velvet, and furs), classical piano and jazz music, bitter and zesty tastes, cigars, science, technology.
dislikes : Disrespect, liars, those who break his trust or loyalty, loneliness, sweltering summer heat, authority figures, being told what to do or ordered around, gossip, nosy people.
hobbies : Sculpture, horseback riding, exploring nature, reading, visiting bookstores or libraries.
background : trigger warning for death, violence, gore, etc.
OCTOBER 20TH, 1428 • vlad iii drăculea is born to the royal house of drăculești in transylvania, romania (part of hungary at the time).
SOMETIME IN 1436 • his father claims the throne and becomes voivode of wallachia after his half–uncle, the previous ruler, dies.
SOMETIME IN 1442 • after his father sides with hungary and fails to support the ottoman empire’s invasion of transylvania, the family is summoned by the ottomans and kept as prisoners. although his father is released before the end of the year, forced to pay a tribute of great wealth and 500 wallachian boys to become janissaries for the ottomans annually, vlad and his younger brother radu the handsome are forced to remain hostages to ensure his father’s loyalty.
SOMETIME IN 1444 • vlad and his brother’s lives are endangered when their father supports hungary against the ottomans during the crusade of varna. sultan murad ii plans to butcher the boys, but vlad convinces him to spare their lives after he pledges loyalty to become a future ally of the ottomans.
NOVEMBER 1447 • hungary invades wallachia once his father succumbs to the ottomans again and pays their tribute for years, hungarian rulers killing both his father vlad ii and eldest brother mircea ii so that hungary can put their own ally on the throne.
APRIL 1448 • vlad is released by the ottoman empire and given a small army of 500 men so that he may fight to drive out hungarian threats on behalf of the ottoman empire. his younger brother radu chooses to stay with the ottomans, an act vlad views as betrayal and abandonment.
SEPTEMBER 1452 • he seeks aid from sultan mehmed ii — sultan murad’s son who vlad grew up with during his captivity and viewed as an older brother — asking for 100 soldiers to support his campaign to reclaim the wallachian throne. however, mehmed vehemently refuses as the sultan instead prepares to conquer constantinople.
AUGUST 1456 • alone and with few allies, he defeats his predecessor in a bloody duel and forces another potential claimant of the throne to dig his own grave as vlad buries him alive — thus finally becoming voivode of wallachia.
NOVEMBER 12TH, 1456 • he marries his first true love, a fierce and highly educated nobleman’s daughter from hungary named elvira drăculea née blaskó.
EASTER SUNDAY, 1457 • he plans a massacre as he invites over 200 boyars and their wives to poenari castle for a feast. it is in fact a trap of vengeance as every single one of them had a part to play in the torturous murders of his father and eldest brother. during the feast, he orders them all impaled with their rotting bodies lined up outside the castle walls.
SOMETIME IN 1460 • his first and only biological son with elvira, mihnea cel rău drăculea, is born.
SOMETIME IN 1461 • after refusing to pay tribute to the ottomans since the start of his reign, mehmed sends an envoy to force vlad to answer. after having them beheaded and sent back as a message of refusal, mehmed sends his consort’s father hamza bey to capture vlad. however, vlad’s spies warn him of the plan and he has hamza impaled before setting off to start a war.
JANUARY 1462 • vlad and his men arrive at the ottoman fortress giurgiu dressed in turkish uniforms, speaking fluent turkish to successfully fool the ottomans to let them in. once inside they slaughter and capture the fortress before beginning an invasion of the ottoman empire, raiding bulgarian villages all across the danube.
APRIL 1462 • sultan mehmed ii gathers a massive army of 150,000 with plans to have vlad overthrown and instead give the crown to his younger brother radu who remained loyal to the ottomans. despite only having 30,000 in his own army, vlad’s destruction of ports and villages along the danube make it difficult for the ottomans to cross into wallachia.
JUNE 4TH, 1462 • the ottomans manage to cross the danube and land at the only wallachian port. vlad tries to fight them off, but unfortunately his army is outnumbered and forced to flee into the nearby forest.
JUNE 1462 • while mehmed attempts to track down vlad, the romanian forces begin a scorched earth campaign of terror against the enemy ; destroying villages, contaminating sources of water with dead pigs so that the muslim ottomans cannot drink, opening prisons and releasing the sick so that the plague may infect the ottoman soldiers.
JUNE 13TH, 1462 • despite efforts to slow them down, the ottomans invade vlad’s home of poenari castle under radu’s command where vlad’s wife elvira remains. radu falsely tells her that vlad is dead and, rather than live as a slave under ottoman captivity, she jumps off the balcony and falls deep into the argeș river below where she dies.
JUNE 16TH, 1462 • after learning of his wife’s death, vlad surprise ambushes the ottoman camps with his men once again wearing ottoman uniforms as they blaze chaos and confusion. meanwhile he sneaks into camp and faces off with mehmed, intent on killing him and his brother radu. he fails as the janissaries begin fighting back the wallachians and he must retreat to safety.
JUNE 20TH, 1462 • mehmed reaches the capital of târgoviște ready for another fight, only to find that the city was completely evacuated and abandoned with only one surprise awaiting him ; a “forest of corpses”, five miles of 24,000 ottoman people impaled and left on their stakes with mehmed’s father–in–law hamza bey on the tallest stake of all overlooking the forest.
AUGUST 1ST, 1462 • while vlad is gone attempting to gain support from hungary and the pope, mehmed crowns his brother radu as the new voivode of wallachia. slowly his army and supporters betray him as they look instead to radu as their new ruler.
NOVEMBER 1462 • the king of hungary, matthias corvinus, refuses vlad’s plea for help as he does not want war with the ottomans. the king orders vlad to be captured and, to avoid trouble with the church who supported vlad’s campaign, lies to the pope that vlad intended to side with the sultan instead of the church if he was reinstated as voivode.
SOMETIME IN 1477 • after fifteen years of imprisonment in hungary, matthias releases vlad and hands back the wallachian crown so he can once again fight the ottomans alongside hungarian commander and voivode of transylvania stephen báthory. however, unbeknownst to vlad, after their battles are finished matthias plans to support stephen’s invasion of wallachia.
AUTUMN 1477 • finally driven to the worst breaking point from so many betrayals, believing that god must have forsaken him, he seeks out the vampyre queen akasha whom he sells his soul to and drinks from her blood in exchange for eternal life and superhuman strength.
WINTER 1477 • with his newfound power, vlad builds an army of vampyre soldiers and sets off on a series of campaigns to exact vengeance, destroy his enemies, and secure his throne in wallachia once and for all.
MAY 3RD, 1482 • by the end of a five year war with the ottoman empire, vlad kills sultan mehmed ii. when mehmed’s son sultan bayezid ii inherits the throne and becomes the new sultan, they negotiate a peace treaty between the ottoman empire and wallachia that permits the two nations to avoid any more bloodshed for the next hundreds of years.
SOMETIME IN 1490 • vlad kills matthias corvinus and conquers various areas of hungary for wallachia, most notably his birthplace and famous home region of transylvania.
NOVEMBER 1ST, 1508 • rumors that long spread across the nation that vlad is a nosferatu come to a dangerous boiling point. to avoid an uprising against the house of drăculești, he fakes his own death and abdicates the throne, passing the crown to his son mihnea. using a new identity, he is granted the title count of transylvania and remains there for the next hundreds of years.
SOMETIME IN 1780 • after 272 years in near total isolation and his blood lineage wiped out with time, vlad grows weary of his loneliness and begins traveling the world in search of a worthy person to call his heir. he meets a young actor in paris, lestat de lioncourt, who he chooses to be his heir.
SOMETIME IN 1780 • once turning lestat into a vampyre, vlad names lestat his prince of darkness, sharing with the fledgling great wisdom and wealth. lestat stays with vlad in his paris estate as the two become reclusive companions — until lestat eventually disappears without a trace amidst a deep depression.
SOMETIME IN 1895 • vlad searches for lestat for thirty years and finally finds him homeless on the streets of paris only feeding upon rats and vermin. he takes lestat back to poenari castle and nurses him back to health.
MAY 5TH, 1897 • he begins purchasing property in london, england and invites his estate agent jonathan harker to join him at poenari castle in romania. after the man’s arrival, he keeps jonathan hostage to help tutor vlad in the english language and culture as well as slowly feeding off jonathan’s blood to gain more youthful vitality.
AUGUST 17TH, 1897 • vlad and lestat travel to london, england by ship and leave jonathan in the captivity of vlad’s vampyre brides at the castle. the count plans to conquer england and build an empire where vampyres can live open and freely. there he meets wilhelmina murray, an intelligent professor of history and jonathan’s fiancé who reminds vlad of elvira. he quickly falls for her and begins an affair.
AUGUST 18TH, 1897 • beside his london estate of carfax abbey is the carfax lunatic asylum where he begins to seduce and influence a delusional zoophagous patient, rhys m. renfield. renfield becomes vlad’s loyal familiar as the count promises to provide him with unlimited sources of blood to prolong the man’s life.
SEPTEMBER 19TH, 1897 • mina breaks the affair with vlad just before marrying her fiancé jonathan, who managed to escape poenari castle and seek refuge in a romanian convent before returning to london.
SEPTEMBER 20TH, 1897 • vlad has slowly fed upon her bestfriend lucy westenra until she ultimately dies from blood loss. he turns lucy into a vampyre upon her death, feeling guilt for taking away mina’s friend and foolishly hoping to make both women his new brides.
SEPTEMBER 29TH, 1897 • after lucy’s friends deduce she is a vampyre and nearly kill her in a brutal attack, vlad and lestat save her life. lestat nurses her back to health at carfax abbey with assistance from vlad’s extensive knowledge of medicinal and supernatural treatments alike to quicken the healing process of her near fatal injuries.
OCTOBER 1ST, 1897 • vlad reveals the truth of his vampiric nature to mina and that he was the one who turned lucy. she almost joins him, begging to be turned and taken. however, he has a change of heart and refuses to condemn her to the same eternal bloodthirst. before they can say their goodbyes, mina’s friends arrive and attack vlad until he escapes.
OCTOBER 5TH, 1897 • vlad, lestat, and lucy all depart together on a ship back to romania as they hope to retreat from the newly formed group of vampyre hunters (mina and lucy’s friends) who hope to kill them.
OCTOBER 29TH, 1897 • they arrive in romania and spend some time to settle in, lestat curiously exploring the local villages with lucy while vlad is occupied with forming a counterattack strategy.
NOVEMBER 6TH, 1897 • at poenari castle, they are ambushed by the hunters who attempt to kill them once again. vlad, lestat, and lucy kill quincey morris in the fight as well as critically injuring jonathan to the point that the group of hunters are forced to flee.
DECEMBER 1897 • vlad proposes to lucy after his previous vampyre brides were all killed by the hunter group, but she angrily rejects him and lestat grows enraged with jealousy. tensions begin to rise between the trio’s interpersonal relationship.
SOMETIME IN 1898 • overcome by grief for causing the death of her once cherished lover and friend quincey, lucy sneaks away from the castle at night to start a new life away from vlad. she begs lestat to join her yet he refuses, stating he must remain by vlad’s side until they can kill off the hunters who still continue to attack.
SUMMER 1923 • after twenty five years of training and study under vlad’s guidance, believing the hunters to have moved on with their lives when there were no encounters or recent attacks, whispers begin to circulate of an organized agency of monster hunters called the nakam. vlad sends lestat to london, the agency’s rumoured headquarters, to retrieve intel.
AUTUMN 1923 • lestat successfully infiltrates the nakam, maintaining a fake cover as a fellow hunter so he can learn as much as possible about their operations. he discovers their leader is none other than quincey harker, son of jonathan and mina, whose close mentor is vlad’s eternal rival dr. mehmed yaşar — the reincarnation of his ottoman brother sultan mehmed ii.
DECEMBER 1924 • lestat warns vlad of a plan that the nakam have made to attack him at poenari castle. unbeknownst to him, it is a trap set up by quincey who has lied to lestat about their strategy. vlad flees the castle and seeks refuge at his old estate of carfax abbey in london. there quincey, mehmed, and other hunters have expected his arrival and ambush him. they nearly kill him before lestat arrives, having escaped from being imprisoned under quincey’s orders, battling it out with quincey.