Personal Message


Name: Kim Tiny

FC Name: Kim Mingyu

Birthday: April 6, 1997

Age: 26

Job: Dog Shelter Employee; trainer


Contrary to his name, Tiny stood at a height of 6’2. The name comes from his tiny fuse, often quick to anger and loud when upset. Family was everything to him. His family consisted of just him and his little sister after their parents left hanbit when he became of age. He would do anything for his little sister. When his sister came crying to him one day, all battered and bruised, he couldn’t just do nothing. And so, he didn’t. After three years of imprisonment for assault and battery, Tiny had a rough time finding a job, and with his tainted track record and half the town labeling him as “dangerous”, his parents refused to help him, too.


Random facts:

  • Once bit a bully in middle school and the kid had to be rushed to the hospital for a rabies shot

jisoo - personal toilet cleaner Aka roommate

jiho - plunger Aka roommate 

yeongsu - ???

bora - bully who got rabies ???

haera - violent grocery shopper ???