Personal Message

Padlet! has been modified for tumblr where his story continues.

WARNING! [!] This character is currently as of 03/01 a TRIGGERING character, dark themes may be present, but are never forced upon partners.

Writes in 3rd POV, but will write with anyone regardless of POV!

Happily engages everyone, very inclusive writer.

Enjoys on types of relationships, friendships, family, coworkers, connections through friends etc.

For story a comitted mate would be preferred, but not necessary.

Will only for comitted pairings, very a shy.

Strongly leans toward fantasy realism.

If it's not obvious, this character is depressed. Not looking for a savior, just showcasing realism and how it can function/masks for my character. He's approachable, he's just different.


To metagame means to assume knowledge about my character shared ooc, or percieved by the writer when their character isn't involved translates to ic knowledge. Don't do that.

I am uncomfortable placing my character's in relationships because I like realism, and many can't deliver/commit to it. Additionally, I am uncomfortable with the notion of starting a pairing with someone not only since i devote a lot of time into my characters, and most just want to fly by the seat of their pants; but also because it takes a lot for me to feel the desire to write a.

On top of that, assume all conversations are private unless they are in the roleplay's verison of main chat. Outside that room, conversations/scenarios are between me and the party only, unless it has been plotted there is an eye witness. I will not humor 'saw your character and x together doing x thing.'

Literate, will never particpate in crack, emojis in chat or fourth walling which is to mention any aspect of the roleplay (talking about writing/replies/mention of dps etc) in character, thus making them self aware.

I am a very direct individual. I appreciate when people do it to me since sometimes I'm an airhead.  =)

My character is in a constant stage of development, please allow reasonable depth of character.

 I lurk constantly out of force of habit. So I'm content to write on walls.