Personal Message

It was a quiet Sunday evening, Pedro was locking the sacramental wine up in the sacristy, which was located behind the altar so it would be prepared for the following day's daily mass. The hour was way too late for a parishioner to drop in for a visit yet he heard the harsh taps of heels echoing down the hallway that led to the altar.

He turned around and found himself face to face with the stranger. He had never seen her at mass before nor had he seen her around town. He would have known if he had seen her before because it was a small town. So miniscule that you'd look at a map and miss it if you blinked.

He greeted her with a soft smile. "You're a little late to mass," he said with a flourish of his chausible as his arm swept across gesturing to all the empty pews that were in front of them. "It's always better to be late, than to not come at all, I suppose."

The woman in front of him didn't speak. Just stared at him with a sort of hunger. "Are you wanting to do a confession, my child? Or did you want to participate in the communion that you missed a few hours earlier?" She didn't respond, just continued to stare at the priest, almost salivating. Pedro offered her another gentle smile and gestured to one of the empty pews. "If you'd like to take a seat, my child," Pedro turned from the stranger, his chausible making a soft swishing sound as he began to walk back to the altar. "By this sacrament,” he spoke softly, “we unite ourselves to Christ, who makes us sharers in his body and blood to form a single body."

He slightly bent down to unlock the sacristy to retrieve the wine so he could have communion with the stranger but before the key could even connect with the keyhole, he felt tremendous pain. It felt as if ice spread through his veins. The woman's teeth had pierced his neck and his vision was blurred from the loss of blood. The dark red liquid was seeping down his white chausible, staining it forevermore. Staining it with sin. Was this an act of God? couldn't be. It had to be the act of the devil. He realized at that moment that Shakespeare was correct, hell was empty and all the devils were here.

She wrapped her cold fingers into his dark brunette locks and snapped his head into a position where he was looking up into her eyes. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned," she spat, the words like poison on her tongue. She sliced into her wrist with one of her sharp canines and held it over him, watching as the liquid dripped from her veins into his mouth. The world faded to black.

Pedro's eyes fluttered open, he squinted at his unknown surroundings. He didn't know where he was but he knew for certain that it wasn't his small town. It was no where near his church. As he brought himself up on his knees, he had a sudden pain, in his throat, in his stomach. It was almost unbearable. He grasped on to his knees and dug his nails in as hard as he could. His brows furrowed, drops of sweat sliding down his forehead, and he groaned. Everything's fine- I can do this- another surge of pain rippled through his body. The twisting and churning of his gut cut right through him. "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. I -" A sudden scream sliced through his throat. The hunger. The unbearable pain of hunger. He could fight it. He just had to focus on something else. Anything else. God help him.

He slumped onto his side. He had to satiate this hunger. He couldn't stand the pain any longer. There was a soft rustling sound in the distance, Pedro's eyes shot open and he locked onto the creature. He didn't even realize how he managed to get to the rabbit so quickly. His fingers wrapped around its neck and he sunk his teeth into its soft flesh. He led and gurgled on the liquid pouring out of its tiny body. His hunger still wasn't satisfied. He needed something bigger but for now this would do. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned," Pedro whispered as he gently placed the corpse on the forest floor. 




Pedro was crouched in the corner of a darkened room. Dried blood stained his lips and was splattered across the corners of his mouth, the taste of iron slowly starting to feel like an old friend. The self inflicted gash on his palm had already healed itself from where he sunk his fangs. The unbearable hunger that cut through his stomach yearned for something more sustainable. The old wooden door creaked open, sunlight streaking past the figure in the doorway and just narrowly missed the troubled priest's bare skin. He peered up from the corner he was huddled at and squinted up at the lone figure. He could hear the steady, quickened thump, thump, thump, of their pulse. "You need to leave," Pedro ordered in a hoarse whisper. He didn't think he could control himself. He was feeling ravenous and knew if that person didn't leave then and there, he'd do something he'd regret. 




ooc info: 

writing preferences: third pov, multi para

Time zone: gmt -6 

Feel free to DM or wall post me to plot♡ 

Please bare with me, it's been a while since I've rp'ed so I'm working to improve my writing skills ♡