Personal Message


around in the evenings

PM to plot




Meet Sena, a young hellborn born out of hellfire who like many others revels in tormenting Sinners. At first, it was just habitual torture, and then Sena wanted more. He wanted to see the life fade from their eyes. He wanted to kill. And what's better than killing someone once? Killing them again, and again, and again, and again, seeing the fear in their eyes as he hunts them down for the Xteenth time.

Come on now. You know there's no point in running.

The more he kills the stronger he gets, making Sinners the perfect tool for his ascent to power.

Sena is a sadist who gets off on the fear of others. Just killing is not enough he wants to see them suffer, he wants them to beg for mercy. He wants to feel like he has them in the palm of his hand, give them hope that they might get away, and then snuff it out and watch despair consume them. He preys on the weak and keeps clear of those who can do him serious harm. That being said, he's a slippery Hellborn to catch.

Sena dreams of getting his hands on angelic weaponry and becoming an Overlord. He dreams of building a gladiator rink and watching Sinners fight for his amusement.


Weapon of choice: Two long daggers; Traps, wire, and whatever else he feels like

Occupation: Tormenter (working in a torture pit)

Appearance: 1.68cm, long claw-like nails, dresses in black leather with 12cm platform boots



soul thread
can latch an invisible thread visible only to himself to people's souls, the thread can stretch to an infinite length and is unbreakable
sensory manipulation
can manipulate people's 5 senses, either amplifying/reducing them or completely switching them off; requirement: the target must have a thread attached to them
shadow walking
can step into shadows and teleport between them