
Korean: 윤호
Full name: Jeong Yunho
Native name: 정윤호
Hometown: Gwangju
Country: South Korea (Republic of Korea (ROK))
Birthday: Mar 23, 1999
Age: 25 years old
Blood type: A
Height: 190 cms
uality:Biual/Strong preference for older comapny
Zodiac-sign: Aries
Language(s): Korean, English, Japanese
Education: School of Performing Arts Seoul


Bio: Yunho is a giant, so most people assume due to his size he is an alpha. He finds it amusing and will happily correct them. He loves to socialize and play video games. He is learning how to cook and wants to go somewhere he can see the stars. He is a student, graduating soon with a degree in history. He started streaming video games as a hobby but now it pay the bills.

Rank & Scent: Omega: Limes & Bamboo