Personal Message


Renjun comes from a privileged background with wealthy and well-known parents. His father, a televangelist, faced allegations of misusing church funds for personal gain. Renjun was homeschooled due to his parents' strict beliefs, including his mother's rejection of modern medicine like vaccinations. Renjun's mother took him on a humanitarian mission to a third-world country to counter rumors about the family's lavish lifestyle. During this experience, Renjun questioned his parents' beliefs and bonded with a boy named Adil. When Adil fell ill and his mother's refusal to seek proper medical help led to his death, Renjun was deeply affected. Overwhelmed by anger and despair, Renjun returned to the United States to continue his studies and cope with his grief.


Renjun is a reserved and sensitive individual with a deep sense of empathy for others. His highly creative and artistic nature allows him to express his inner thoughts and emotions vividly. Despite his idealistic outlook and focus on the future, Renjun struggles to form close relationships due to his guarded demeanor and high self-expectations.

Growing up in a challenging environment, Renjun learned to hide his sensitivity and vulnerability, resulting in a hardened exterior. He avoids confrontation, dislikes getting hurt, and has stopped expecting things from others to prevent disappointment. Renjun's past experiences have shaped him into a resilient yet introspective individual who finds solace in his creativity and contemplation of life's meaning.