Personal Message



Prosecutor Lee Taeyong


Lee Taeyong grew up on the fringes of the known and the unknown, raised by a shaman in the seclusion of an ancient forest that whispered secrets of the past and the dead. His upbringing was steeped in rituals and the company of spirits, setting him apart from others and marking him with an aura that was both fascinating and fearsome. People spoke in hushed tones about the boy who communed with the unseen, and as tales of his eerie heritage spread, a cloak of mystery and apprehension wrapped around him.

However, Taeyong was more than the sum of the whispers that followed him. He embraced his unique lineage, using his intimate knowledge of the spiritual realm to guide his path. With a resolve as unwavering as the spirits that raised him, he ventured into the world of the living, concealing his otherworldly upbringing. As he integrated into society, his past remained a closely guarded secret, a silent whisper among the noise of the bustling city. Taeyong chose the path of a prosecutor, a defender of justice, yet his methods were tinged with the unconventional wisdom of his upbringing. His pursuit of justice often skirted the edges of legality, delving into realms where traditional law dared not tread.

Taeyong's connection to the spiritual world granted him an uncanny ability to communicate with the dead, a skill he wielded like a double-edged sword in his quest for justice. This spectral insight allowed him to solve cases that had left others confounded, but it also drew him closer to the darkness that lurked within. His demonic side, a legacy of his unique rearing, threatened to emerge when he witnessed the innocent suffer or when injustice reigned. Taeyong walked a fine line, balancing between the light of justice and the shadows of his otherworldly heritage, always mindful of the delicate balance that kept his darker inclinations at bay.