Personal Message

i. dan kang.
ii. sep 27 2000, 23 y.o.
iii. graduate student (masters in art curatorship), gallery intern. future horror fx artist.
iv. danny’s life was nothing short of a teenage angst flick. at least, when it came to his older brother, that is. the feuds, and the many restless nights that came in between, the goal had simply been to blend in. but eventually? go above and beyond what high expectations the kang household already held for the two.

dabbling in the world of fine arts, he had been brought up to be the exact opposite— perfect, flawless, a prodigal son, and absolutely nothing like his sibling. years of upkeep had essentially lead him to his promising status as a final year student at université de lavande. he would be a strong contender in the art world, soon to curate collections, and more that only fit the true mind of the creative visionary he dreamed to be.

had this been his actual dream, of course.

for unbeknownst to many is the hardship that has essentially engraved itself into his art pieces, becoming embodiments of pain, torture, and what pent frustrations he has only managed to keep to himself over time. influenced by sentiments of the grotesque and the macabre, his work resembles what can only be found in nightmares or the many horror films he finds solace in. 

since there truly was nothing that he feared, if not, the struggles of finding himself. what he genuinely wanted, and what truly made him feel free.