Personal Message
lil meow meow
name: leo wang
age: 23
seeking: friends (all),  benefits (mommies, naps)
new threads: closed until further notice
orientation: ha, gaaaaay
preferences: (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
boundaries: tba
extra: full time cat boy
extra: .tiktok. / .foodtok.
extra: insert here
 frames & memories..

✽ tsuki f. 21:54:31 Punches your cheeks (gently) 

✽ hyunsuk y. 22:15:49  slayer leo 

✽ tim k. 21:40:00 you’re the cutest widdo slayer there ever was 

✽ tim k. 01:02:35 tickles leo’s chicken

name timestamp lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

name timestamp vestibulum ipsum dolor, gravida sit amet tempus vel, accumsan nec ipsum.



✽ hyunsuk y.23:42:53Reply

(godmodding) Ah, the grand stage is set, and my vengeance is finally ready to unfold. For ten years, I have meticulously planned every detail, anticipating every move, and savoring the thought of your downfall, Tim and Leo. You thought you could betray me, discard me like a used pawn in your little game, but you have underestimated my resolve. Now, let me take you through the masterful orchestration of your ruin.

It all began that fateful day when you two conspired against me. You stole my dreams, my ambitions, and left me in the shadows, laughing at my naivety. But while you basked in your temporary triumph, I was already plotting your demise. Every slight, every insult, every backstab only fueled the fire of my determination.

First, there was the financial trap. Tim, your insatiable greed has always been your Achilles' heel. I spent years cultivating a network of investors, each one a carefully placed domino. You fell for the bait without a second thought, investing heavily in what you believed to be a lucrative venture. Little did you know, every cent you poured into that venture was funneled right back into my pockets. The collapse was inevitable, but oh, how sweet it was to watch your empire crumble. The bankruptcy filings, the foreclosures, the endless phone calls from creditors—it was just the beginning.

Leo, your downfall required a different approach. Your ego, that bloated sense of invincibility, was your weakness. You always prided yourself on your flawless reputation, your pristine public image. So, I became the specter in the background, the whisper in the shadows. I planted the seeds of doubt, fed the rumors, and watched as they grew into a scandal so monstrous that your precious reputation was shredded beyond repair. The affair, the embezzlement accusations, the forged documents—every piece of evidence meticulously crafted to ensure that even your most loyal allies turned their backs on you.

You see, while you were busy trying to outdo each other, I was playing a much larger game. I infiltrated your inner circles, turned your confidants into my informants. Every secret you whispered, every plan you made, I knew about it before it even materialized. You were never as safe as you thought you were. Your every move was a step in the dance I choreographed.

And then, the pièce de résistance: the social implosion. Your precious social standing, the glittering facade of power and influence you both so desperately clung to—it was my favorite part to dismantle. I orchestrated events that forced you into the same rooms, under circumstances that reignited old tensions and rivalries. The charity gala where Tim publicly humiliated Leo, the business conference where Leo exposed Tim’s indiscretions—each event a masterstroke in my symphony of chaos. Your once united front turned into a battlefield, your allies forced to pick sides, further isolating you.

But I didn't stop there. No, I wanted to savor your personal destruction as well. Tim, remember your loving wife? The one you thought you could keep blissfully ignorant? She was one of my easiest targets. A few well-placed hints, a strategically delivered dossier of your infidelities, and she became my willing accomplice. The divorce was brutal, wasn’t it? The custody battle, the alimony demands—every legal maneuver designed to bleed you dry.

And Leo, your devoted partner, the one you built your empire with? I made sure he discovered your betrayal at the worst possible moment. The look on his face when he realized you’d been siphoning funds into your secret account—priceless. Your breakup was spectacular, a public spectacle that left you both broken and humiliated.

Now, as you both stand on the brink of ruin, I reveal myself. Yooa, the woman you thought you had crushed, the woman you believed would fade into obscurity. I have returned, not as a victim, but as the architect of your downfall. Every step you took, every decision you made, led you deeper into my trap.

For ten years, I have watched you squirm, reveling in your ignorance. You never suspected that the person orchestrating your misfortune was the very one you dismissed as insignificant. But now, the time for shadows and whispers is over. I want you to see my face, to understand the depth of your folly, and to know that I was the mastermind behind every tragedy you’ve endured.

As you stand here, stripped of your power, your wealth, and your dignity, remember this: revenge is a dish best served cold. I have savored every moment of your destruction, relished every tear, every scream, every plea for mercy. And now, I stand before you, victorious.

Tim, Leo, you will live the rest of your lives in the ruins of what you once were, haunted by the memory of your betrayal and the knowledge that it was your own actions that led to your downfall. And I? I will continue to rise, free from the chains you tried to bind me with, stronger than ever.

This is the end of your story and the beginning of mine. Remember my name, remember my face, and know that Yooa is the one who triumphed over you. This is my victory, my revenge, and it is as sweet as I always imagined it would be.