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Roleplaying @ Shamrock City as Cho Kyuhyun from Super Junior.


Cho Kyuhyun  |  20  |  Master 

As far as Kyuhyun is concerned, money /does/ grow on trees. With a rich businessmen for a father, he's used to getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants. The only thing he doesn't have is a friend - not that Kyuhyun wants one anyway. People are fickle, bought and sold to the highest bidder. No one was truly here to stay. Even his mother had left him while he was still a child, and having a step mom who was only 5 years older certainly didn't help. Love? Please. The closest thing he ever got to an actual relationship was a one night stand with a drunk girl he couldn't remember the name of. Love simply didn't exist for people like him. Kyuhyun had accepted that as part of the deal a long time ago. He lives alone with enough money to burn but there are moments where he can't shake off the feeling of emptiness. Something was missing, but what? He already had /everything/.