Personal Message


| My name is Lee MinYoung, but I like to just go by Min |

| I was born on the 21st day in June |

() Who I am ()

Min came from a small broken family. Her mother and father had only gotten married because of her mother's unplanned pregnancy. Min was the only child to both of her parents. Her mother had quit her job to stay home and raise their child, while her father continued to work. Min's father actually worked as a secret agent, so he made a descent amount of money for the family. In return, however, he was hardly home and didn't get to see his wife or child that often. Because of his continuous absence from the house, Min's mother had grown depressed. This is when she got in with the wrong mix of people and became addicted to drugs and alcohol. When her mother's addiction became apparent to her father, he walked out on his family. Min was only at the age of seven when her father had left. She begged him not to leave her there with her mom, but he knew that she would be better off with someone who had the time to take care of her.

After her father left from the house, Min became really quiet: both at home and at school. She stopped playing with the other kids at recess and even quit going to her friend's houses over the weekends. After having to take care of the family for so long by herself and not having a job, Min's mother needed a way to make more money. Of course, the money wouldn't go toward taking care of her family. Min's mother started to become irritable and even went to the extent of beating Min when she couldn't have her fix. Eventually, she decided that it was about time for Min to start helping her to make money. At the early age of ten, Min started to work for a living...if you could call it that. She began her work with normal jobs. She helped the elderly clean their houses and even took people's dogs out for walks. Min enjoyed the people she worked with and started to come out of her shell a little at a time. It was all for nothing, though. Her mother had took every penny she earned through her hard work and eventually decided that these jobs didn't pay enough.

That's when it started. Min's mother realized that people would pay a high prices for a beautiful young girl like her daugter. She began to sell Min out for people to have their way with her. She started to bring in a lot of money, but she still couldn't keep a dime. It was dirty work, especially for a ten year old. As long as it kept her mother happy and the beatings to a minimum, it was okay...right? 




() Personality ()

Min may have went through a tough life and been somewhat forced into ion by her mother, but that does not mean that she will be easy. Min is a tough girl, and keeps her distance from people. This isn't because she is afraid of people, it's because she's afraid of being hurt again. Min doesn't like to be taken advantage of, and she may flip out of because of a slight touch from another person. This has to deal with her time putting up with the physical and ual abuse of her childhood.

Because Min grew up in a bad home and her innosence was taken from her at a very young age, she now prefers to wait. Many people would assume that she sleeps around with anyone she can get her hands on, but really she tries to avoid ual contact. She swore to herself that she would not have with another person until the time was right and it was actually a person that she was truly in love with. Min only avoids people because she has been hurt by people her whole life, and she wants to avoid being hurt by anyone else again. 

() You are My Everything ()
single | taken | not interested | crushing | in love | playing around
straight | gay | bi | pan
Min would like to have a real relationship with someone one day. Hopefully a person that she can be really close to and enjoy being around. Someone that will be gentle and patient with her.