Personal Message






 July 6th, 1995    170cm    Belongs to Joonhyun ^-^    Gay *blushes*     California, USA 


Herro there~ I'm a sweet, kind, caring boy who will cut you if you hurt me or my loved one or any of my friends and family *^* But other than that I'm very nice^^ My passion is music, it's in my blood. Whether it's dancing, singing, composing, rapping, or playing instruments^^ Love you all *sends flying kisses to everyone*




Name: Kang Yujoon ~


Age: 17 years old ~


Stage name: YJ ~


Position: Main Rapper, Sub-Vocalist ~


Ethnicity: Korean-American ~


Languages: Korean (Fluent), English/American (Fluent), Chinese (Semi-Fluent), Spanish (Semi-Fluent) ~


Likes: Chocolate, LOTS AND LOTS OF CHOCOLATE - Nice people~ - All my Saenggies and Hyunggies^^ - Music!! - Marshmallows OuO - Puppies^^ - Video game B| - My laptop and iPhone  Coconuts ouo - AND MUCH MOOOOOOOOOOOORE =D ~


Dislikes: Mean people - Vannila flavoured ANYTHING *^* but if it's with chocolate then it'sh ok for me kekeke~ - Heavy Metal and Hard rock T^T - Confusing things xD -  Cheaters (All kind of cheaters generally) - Annoying people *^* ~






  (  --profile credit: humanoid layouts )