Personal Message

Κιμ Κιβυμ aka κεψ


 I'm Dionysus' son

 Taking after my father, I'm pretty much a free spirited person. I love the outdoors... Parties and such... Baby, you know I'm there. By reputation, I'm good at holding my alcohol. Then again, I guess that would be a shame to daddy dearest if I wasn't considering he invented wine and all. I am passionate about the arts, be it any form. I guess my biggest flaw is that my temper can spike up at any time and there's no telling what I'll do when I'm angry. Don't worry though, the ripping apart of people/animals stayed with pops. I've never done that and won't ever. That's too messy and gore; my wardrobe doesn't desrve that kind of nightmare.

 When I'm good, I'm really really good... But when I'm angry,  I'm even better. (>‿◠)✌

 I came here coz I wanna be a god like pops one day. You know, minus the ripping apart of animals and eating them raw. I've already seen what the mortal world is like. Now I wanna see what it's like here.