Personal Message


Full Name : Jang Wooyoung

Alt Name / Nicknames : Woo or Youngie 

Age : 20 

uality : Panual

Occupation : Ghost writer / Session singer 

Personality : 
Despite his usual grumpy and unsocial appearance, Wooyoung is considerably playful to the core, even a bit humorous.

BioSadly he’s too self warped and lustful to view others as anything other than play things, nor can he genuinely love someone. Not caring for anything or anyone except his ual desires, he will make a quick meal of you without a shred of remorse for those whose feelings are involved. Though it’s not like he tries not to care, he most often uses the addition of a few illegal narcotics, when in the act, to create the illusion of love. But all this does is create a cruel wake up call when sober, and more self hatred. 

Most of this only with his profession to blame. Writing and singing only for others to take the credit and fame, life is . 

Favorite drink or food? : Sour drinks and chicken, as gourmet as it gets...