
you don't know me.

mood  three stars — eargasm Speed - Pain,the love of heart— eyecandy he just he.




Okay what to say.

My name is Fei Wang.I flew from hell to earth on 27th April 1987.

I'm not the kind of a human who's acting cold.

No,I'm quiet friendly.Although you're talking cold.

I can be hyper and a bit stupid but hey,who cares.

If you can't live with it go die.

I'm the Noona of most boys here,but I don't mind.

You see,I love it to be calling Noona.

I'm not the one who's feeling old of it.(And I dont know why some girls feel like that LOL).

Hope I can make new Friendships here.




singlestraight — not interested



friend friend — friend — friend — friend