Personal Message





Junhyung...Yong Junhyung here. I was born on Dec. 19, 1989 making me 24. I am a teacher here for Detention. My blood type is O and being a teacher for troublemakers isn't that easy. I love to cook, hang out with my loved ones and be with my love, Dongwoo. What I hate? I hate those who bully others, make fun of people, etc. That's why I'm the teacher for Detention so I can set them straight and show them a thing or two. As for my family, the only one alive is my mother and I also love her to death as well as my lover. They both mean the world to me and I don't know what I would do without them. If you want to know about my father, well he was the kind of man that did drugs and drank. I shouldn't even be calling him a man actually, since he made my mom and I suffer through a lot. Anyway if you want to know more or just be friends, just come to me and talk. I don't mind.

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