Personal Message

// I'ts in my blood

Name: Baekhyun

Age: 19

Power: Blood Manip

School: College

Power description: Blood Manipulation. The user can create, control and otherwise manipulate blood from themselves or their surroundings. (blood-bank, Hospital, battle field)

Applications: Haemokinetic constructs (Soldification): Creates a blood sword with the same properties as a normal one. He can also soldify it to any form, depending on the amount he uses. Once the users blood hits a target, it can be absorbed by the users command into their body, creating thermovariance (boil the targets blood), or Blood pressure (manipulating the pressure, or cutting the flow of the targets blood, inducing pain). Only with advanced skill, Blood Marionette (manipulate other human beings) . Only when the targets blood comes in contact directly with user.

Limitations.◎While using the blood sword, concentratin is needed, as it could turn back into liquid once concetration is broken ◎When big amounts of blood are used, the regeneration of it will become slower and slower. ◎Limited to manipulate only the users blood, it can manipulate other human beings but only with practice. (Blood Marionette) ◎ Distance, mass and precision depends on the knowledge of the user. ◎ May bleed to death drawing too much blood or using the power for a long period of time, nonstop. ◎ For soldification, it's necessary for the user to draw out their own blood.

Personality: Easy-going, Bright, Talkative, likes to joke, extrovert, noisy, Curious, protective, childish, Secretive, Competitive, loyal.


Examples in gifs:

Blood manipulation:

 Haemokinetic constructs:

Blood Marionette