Personal Message

             ❝I love chu so much D<.



 tumblr_m8btbyAj2h1rn9x79o3_250.gif                         the cookie monster was here                  
eunji has taken over this little space 
because she is awesome and loved by you. plus,
since you are a very good chingu, she will
 lub you forever <333






oppa, you're forever mine. even if i know that im not here, and you might lost your heart on me, i'll still love you, sorry that i didn't online, because i've a school, i'm busy, and if you really don't want me anymore, please tell me, post on my desciption.. tell me what do you think ...? i respect you, you're mine. o u o . forever mine, and no one is to have you. if your decision is breaking off, i hope you find a better girlfriend, but if it's a together, i'll come everyday, because 1 more day and i'm free. ..

i love you