Personal Message
Jung Daeryong. He can be your worst nightmare, or he can have you on the wings of pleasure. Listen to him and everything shoold be fine. Maybe. He won't listen to your pleads, you can scream as loud as you want, it will not affect him, it will not make him stop whatever dirty or paiful act he's doing on you. You either take it like a man or kill your lungs begging for mercy, knowing it will never come, not from him. You can rebel if you want, he'll love to teach you a lesson.
   25.02.1988 - 184cm - master - costumer
|| || what you dislike || || blood play || breath play || toys || handcuffs || to tease || obedient pets || rebel pets || your screams || fragile looking bodies || to brake you ||
|| pet nicknames || cuddles after || what you like || silent pets  || bottoming || like || like || like || like || like ||