Personal Message




                                  Kim Jongin Aka Kai  January 14, 1994  182cm  Type A



Ayo! Waddup! I'm Kim Jong In aka Kai. Haha.
Alright, first things first, you gotta get to know me

first before I become weird on you, okay? No talkin'
then no Jong In, alright? Alright.


✝ Feeling: Tired Eyegasm: Baekhyun Eargasm: Heart Attack Craving: Taemin (;


Status: Single || Taken || Complicated || Engage || Married || Not interested || One of those two

Orientation: Straight || Biual || Homoual

Ideal Type: Any one who can be cute and dangerous at the same time.


 You're the One

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WE Are One

