Personal Message



tumblr_m5e1ynBW5V1r8i9eqo1_500.jpg   Greetings! I am Zhang Yixing also known as Lay. Call me how you please. Meet me below ^.^v




 Zhang Yixing   October 7, 1993   Male   A   Basic 
every single day i leave behind my own history


There's not much to me. I like dancing, and also learning new things.
If someone is willing to teach...I'm willing to learn. My past has
everything to do with who I am now. Ask and you will know.
Otherwise, you will be left in the dark about my history.
I don't really enjoy the company of other people, but I
try to surround myself around them to change my ways.
Wanna be friends? 


❝ i'll always want to protect you so that even the smallest things won't tire you out ❞




(a friend)             (a friend)             (a friend)             (a friend)             (a friend)






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