Personal Message




⎥ Demon ⎥

Mind control ⎥

Taken by MinMin~

Too old to trust, too young not to risk ⎥ 

⎥ 176 cm height ; 57 kg weight 

⎥ Came from Hell ⎥

⎥ A Rh+ 

⎥  ⎥





Can you really say that I'm not cute~?


I'm your admin so respect meh!

Have any questions? Go ahead!




Yeah I have a lot of them
They just do not know it yet~ 
But Do not worry!
I'm truly a great guy demon

Wanna hear something strange? 
I'm a devil himself as you can see and... 
My best friend is an Angel...
Just click on him...
Be nice, he also is your admin!
My history? Huh... It is associated with Zelo.
I came from Hell~ Have been living all my life under the ground just sleeping and stalking people
living on the real world. One day I was deputed to go out from the hell and then I met Zelo...
He said he was an Angel and that he wanted to help me changes my life~
To this day he showes me the real world, filled with emotions, animals, tastes, sounds, smells...Still do not understand a lot of it...But really hard try to!
How I supposed to say it?
I love you~
My baby angel.
Your eyes, nose, smile, hair, neck, wings...
I love your character and how you make me laugh...
All about you is perfect.