

  tumblr_mihoftR5qL1rbeiqko2_500_large.jpg Ailee+Korean+singer+(4).jpg
“ can you understand me? anyone? „
 Coming from a long list of dark casters, Ailee was always believed to become one herself. She even had powers of a dark caster~! However, when her sixteenth moon claimed her as Light, she was threatened to be killed by her own parents if she didn't get out of their sight. She ran away from home and years later, found the mansion for outcast casters.
 ¦ ailee ¦ 30.05.89 ¦ 165cm ¦ 50kg ¦ Otype ¦  


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┇eargasm — get lucky- daft punk┇eyegasm — pancakes┇mood — lonely┇relationship — single┇
thoughts — “ here here here here here here here here here. „


“ my gorgeous friends, hello. „
Unknown-person.gif Unknown-person.gif Unknown-person.gif Unknown-person.gif Unknown-person.gif
{ name } { name } { name } { name } { name }

{ you are mine and i'm yours. }
name here if you are taken.

layout by nerdylollipops @ lavenderblossoms