Personal Message
Bang Yongnam
Bang Yongnam
Taken ★ Kim Hyunjoong ★ Gay ★ 3.31.90 credit
Hyunjoong, you are the apple of my eye, no matte how corny that sounds. You really do mean so much to me. I want to go on dates with you all the time, hold your hand and kiss you every time I get the chance to. I also love ing with you. *chuckles* I believe we'll last for a long time, and I hope one day we can be more than boyfriends in the future. And I swear, I will top you one day!  



Bad Boy, Good Girl Roleplay




What is up, my people??

It's your gorgeous Bang Yongnam here!!


Name: Bang Yongnam

Birthday: March 31

twin brother: Bang Yongguk

Orientation: Gay

Relationship status: Taken by the wonderful Hyunjoong

Ideal type: Hyunjoong, back the up other people