

The name? CHOI SOOYOUNG. She lived a pretty fair life until her parents had decided that she was  utterly useless and deserved to die. When her parents threw her out of the house at the wee age of 15, she lived as a street rat; she never liked to classify herself as such, though. She lives and breathes street gambling. Whether it be risking her money, her body, or even her life, Sooyoung lives on edge, looking for her next victim to sap money from to be able to live. 


song of the caged bird
when a bird is trapped, it can either spread its wings or die.

Though nine times out of ten, you will find her along the city streets, the only time you won't find her is when she's actually working. She works in the later hours of the night, when the real parties begin, as a bartender. However, you might not recognize her as Sooyoung. Naturally short-haired, Sooyoung resorts to wearing extensions or a fiery red wig with a black undertone. When she works, she uses the name "Summer" as an alias. Call it a double life, if you will. This is a cautionary step that she has decided to take in case people that she's gambled with in the past decide to come back and give her a hard time.

` (OUT OF CHARACTER;) Honestly, if you want to rp, I'm perfectly fine with it. I'm not going to hold you to any standard or be picky about it. (Just so you know, I para-rp. But I'm flexible.) The only thing I ask when we roleplay is that you  show me and my character a good time. (GMT-7)