Personal Message




I live in a Henry world where everything is Henryful. I have Henry friends and my Henry girlfriend which is part of my Henry family.
I'm a big big Henry in a big big Henry world it's not a big big Henry thing if you leave me. But I do do have Henry feelings that I do do will miss you Henry much.
I love my Henry friends and I do create imaginary not only Henry friends, for example, Jessica has a not Henry boyfriend, she has a Jessica boyfriend.
I'm Henryawesome.
Peace and give me Henrycorns and I'll love you.
Wanna be my Henry friend? When Henry talk to me~
Henry kisses from HENRY

About my Henry world;
In my Henry world, I do have a Henrycicle and we all live in Henryhouses, when we look at the Henrysky we can see Henrysun smilling at us.
We have lot's of Henry fun and we give Henry gifts to each other on Henrystmas. We all have a Henrygod and a Henrygoddess.
They have Henrychild and their Henrylove is Henrycute.
We all Henryshare our Henryfood with Henryothers and when we go to our Henryrooms our Henrybed Henryhugs us.
When we wake up in the morning, our Henrywater dances for us and our Henryclothes wink at us.
We're all Henryawesome because we have Henrygames where everyone wins...we're all Henrys.
We're all Henryual because we all love each other.
We only eat Henryfood in Henrypalace.
When it rains, we use the Henrybrella to protect us from Henryrain.


About my Henryfamily;
My Henry mother has Henrypotter books and my Henryfather has Henryderella books.
And I have a Henrygirlfriend who doesn't like me....she only likes Henry'sfriend Jessica.
Imma find a new Henrygirlfriend one of this days.
My family is part of the Henryclub where everyone says Henrythings.
I'm the president of forever alone club...but I'm still Henry.
I'm Henryalone with my Henryfriends.