Personal Message



                       Prince Noctisaka Noct.

▬► A boy of 19. | Prince. | Half Demon-Half Fallen. |

Pet Wolf  Kamia; ❖ 





Noctis. Lovingly known as Noct by those close to him.

He's got the temper of a Fire Demon&blood of the Fallen.

A spoiled 19 year old who loves to get his way, he's manipulative.

A flirt. A boy who has taste for the luxuries fit for a King.

Arrogant? Not at all. But a tad bit of a show off.

His mind is cunning, and always planning schemes.

But he prefers to be outside, rather than in.

So he enjoys spending time with the knights.

Excellent at sword fighting.

He's learning to ride a dragons, doesnt own one.

If you step into his dark side.

You'll die a painful death.

He'll be sure of it.


Head Admin

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of Moriarte