Personal Message


The Clock's Ticking.

  Amber Josephine Liu . Volunteer worker . September 18, 1992 . Unmyeong, South Korea . 167 cm . Blood Type B 


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Behind This Cold Facade


amber liu is a 20 year old woman suffering from amnesia. yes, you heard me: amnesia. anyone she ever knew was wiped clean from her slate. she was born into a family that demanded perfection and would not stand for anything less. her father would beat her if she got anything lower than an A, and her mother loved to flaunt her as her pride and joy josephine; the liu family's only daughter. it became apparent, at age 14, that amber wasn't socially labeled "normal". diagnosed with depression, adhd, bipolar syndrome, and a self-harmer, doctors found amber a menace to society, and her parents saw her as nothing more than a slave. they still loved to show her off, sure, as a beautiful, dignified young lady, but used her as their own slave. two months later, amber ran away from home to a psychotic ward and chopped off all her hair. she lived in her own, tiny dorm by herself as she forced herself to foget any memories she had  created, for six years afte thar. were you her friend, or were you her enemy? she couldn't tell you herself even if she tried. upon leaving said ward, she moved to unmyeong, the only place she was sure her weird, apparently horrible past wouldn't sneak up on her. she's never felt love or anything of the sorts ever since then. she's developed scopophobia, androphobia and gynophobia. [fear of being stared at, fear of being touched by men and women] 



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Turn Me On


Current Mood: 12345

Eargasm: insane - btob

Eyegasm: jessica jung <3

Craving:  cheesecake

Turn Ons: you 

Turn Offs: controlling people, overly jealous women, arrogant people.




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Can You Melt My Heart?


Love Status: yFree&Single . Taken . ReadyToMingle . HeartBroken . NotInterested

Orientation: Straight . Biual . Homoual

Crushing: no one atm

Ideal Type:

>> jessica motherin' jung. she's just so. nnngh. dat ice princess charm  <33333 <<



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My Favourites

Best Friends:

- empty -


- empty -



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Amber and amnesia VS da world @ Tied By Destiny roleplay

 ☁ Fluffy Clouds 


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Noona [Unnie]? || taken by: CL [younger male/female]

Amber decides to stroll around town and bumps into a strange, but bubbly, person. The strange thing is about this person is that they claim to know her! Who is this girl/guy, and why do they act so happy around her?  Her family friend..? But they've never met each other before in their life. Or have they?

WHAT TO EXPECT: Amber's head going all funky as she starts to remember. pls have a huge crush on her because remember she used to look after yo  , really cute hyung/bro relationship <333

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The Librarian || taken by:  [male/female]

When working at her volunteer job as a librarians' assistant, ____ seems to be drawn towards this dorky employee; the awkward, yet effective way she stacks books, how she can just barely reach the top shelf, how she likes to hum to herself as she checks out and reserves a novel or two to some person. ____ can't seem to get her off their mind even when they check out their own book and leave. Amber is the last thing they think about, before they close their eyes to sleep and open them to peek out the window to see the rising sun in the morning. _____ finds ___self coming again, and again, and again.. Just to find that Amber's always there near the end of the day. Who is this person, and why have they taken a certain liking to this dorky librarian? Maybe it's because she reminds them of that one cute nerd from junior high? The one that always got bullied, had her boxers strung on the flagpole, had her glasses shoved in a toiletbowl? That dork had the same way of stacking shelves. She had loved to hum while she was checking books out. She never got mad at her bullies or anything, just took it like a man and it up. Taeyeon regretted not being able to befriend them, though he/she did have a huge crush on her. Maybe that's why they're so attracted to this tomboy.

WHAT TO EXPECT:  major crushes. I'd actually like to save this one for mah future lover so be careful when picking this one. 

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Pet Lover || taken by: -- [male]

Unmyeong has recently had a new shipment of dogs- puppies to be more specific-, and Amber has been assigned to set them in their cages, feed them, and care for them until they're all sold out. She's more than happy to do so- puppies are adorable in her eyes and can do no wrong. A customer looking to buy a certain, unheard of breed of dog arrives, which just so happens to be Amber's favorite. Calm and gentle, charming yet dorky Amber strikes up a conversation with the guy/girl and things start to progress. But, there's a surprising twist:  the only reason why____ likes this certain breed is because their childhood crush Josephine loved to talk about these kinds of dogs all day long, but when she turned 14, she moved for unknown reasons.

WHAT TO EXPECT: crushing on amber  really oblivious crushing, a dense, dorky amber and maybe a little background story (since we all know each other)

More Than Meets The Eye || taken by -- [2 females]

Amber, volunteering as a teachers' assistant at Unmyeong University, has been assigned to help out anyone who needed it. Thankfully her stay in the crazy bin had offered a very high education. Once there, she inadvertently finds her old, classroom bully, ____. Amber, of course, doesn't recognize her at all, and neither does this girl. It's only the way that Amber tilted her head to look at the math problem, or cleared to read; even shooting the girl a grin before helping her solve an equation, that made her realize. Amber was the girl she had teased relentlessly during their younger years all because she had scars all over her body, because she was depressed, because she never made any friends. Now, Amber's actually very attractive - stunning would be an understatement-, and ____ starts to regret bullying her. But somehow, Amber doesn't ever say anything. It takes ____ a bit to realize it, but it finally dawns on her that Amber's suffering from amnesia. 

2 different routes on this one. 

ROUTE ONE/ friendplot/originalplot: ___ uses Amber's amnesia to her advantage and starts a new friendship with the adorable little dork.

ROUTE TWO/plot taken by: --: ____ uses this as her weapon and teases her in more ways than one. Luckily Amber is a huge masochist and actually somewhat enjoys pain. Behind closed doors, ____ uses Amber to her own satisfaction; through , but constantly bullies her outside of the bedroom. Amber, confused and hurt, develops a form of Stockholm Syndrome and sees ____'s bullying as a sign of affection rather than cruelty.

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My First || taken by: -- [male]

There's always a first for everything. First crush and first kiss, hell, maybe even your first.. ahem. *cough* Amber felt these feelings once, when she was 14, at the peak of her horrible, abusive life, towards , the first boy who ever treated her like a girl instead of one of his bros. She couldn't hide anything from him. One wave of his finger  would have her running towards him like a lost puppy. Sadly, she never had a chance to confess to him before she moved and suppressed her memories. Seeing him again as a twenty-year old, wiser, stronger girl is different. She doesn't remember a single thing. Will ____ finally make her remember? Will Amber's first confusing love bring back all the things she longs to remember? Or will he just make her remember all the things she wanted to forget?

WHAT TO EXPECT: Hard. Core. DRAMA. omfg. 

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Breaking The Norms || taken by -- [female]

_____ never had any doubts. She was straight as a ruler. She even proved it all througout middle and high school - by around. Sound bad? It was. She was the homewrecker; seducing boys away from their girlfriends and ruining relationships everywhere she went. A real heartbreaker who only used men for . She was secretly bullied- a here, a popular cheerleader there. Pretty soon she was thrown away, labeled as the who was easy to get with. _____ was forced to seek comfort by Amber Liu, the tomboy nobody wanted to be seen with. The lowest of the low. Amber was the one who she trusted the most, and was the one Amber felt safe with. They were best friends. Right? Until _____ felt her own heart tug and pull, twist every time Amber talked to another outcast. She wanted the dork to herself. But, unfortunately, never got the chance to. Amber was her first female love; ____ never forgot about her, even when the poor dork disappeared without a word. But suddenly, ____ finds a certain dorky looking tomboy strolling around the local park, and brings it upon herself to reunite with her past crush again.

WHAT TO EXPECT: Dunno man. This plot is focused around the girl's point of view; its in your hands. PICK YO FATE, MOFO. 

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Trust Me || taken by: -- [female]

added later ; u ;

yber gifspam <3 you're welcome.