Personal Message

tum hyeri.

june 9th ¦ 1994 ¦ 167cm ¦ biual ¦ blood type AB 



Hyeri was born on June 9th 1994 with no brothers or sisters. She had little support as a child as her parents didn't pay her much attention. She constantly caused trouble and was constantly acting dangerously; getting involved with gangs, generally being with the wrong people. But at age 16 she left home and managed to find her current job as a fitness trainer and her past has almost been forgotten....Well, sometimes she's a bit wild but she is also kind and generous. She loves to help others and socialising.'s+Day+Hyeri+HIM+Magazine+pics.jpg

occupation ; Fitness trainer

status ; Single


咖啡  layoutshop 


lustful pleasures affroleplay
Girls' Day's Hyeri [