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lustful pleasures roleplay
2pm's chansung [dom]

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i don't bite. i ravish.


hwang chansung

there's a story behind every face. a story that makes people whom they are today. whether if it's content or depressing, their smiles today might mean nothing, but before, it could've meant a lot. this is a story of a young successful business man carrying the name of hwang chansung. believe it or not, he didn't start of this rich and blessed as society thought he was. his family had struggled through blood, sweat and tears to get to where they are whis day. after her mother had died from a brain tumor, leaving behind her husband and her two children, chansung, and the youngest of the two, sunmi. his father worked even harder, wanting to make his wife that watching over him proud and once his son turned eighteen, he managed to start and run his own business. at the age of 22, he moved out while his sister remained in the same house as his father and his new wife. a year or two later, his father was obviously aging while the business became too stressful and tiring for his father to handle. in the end, he entrusted his son with his business whom made it even more sucessful.

「think i care? think again .」

unlike his younger sister whom is bubbly and cheerful, chansung is quite the opposite. he loves to dominate everything and everyone and has the personality girls like to call "an ". he is quite stubborn and at times bossy depending on his mood. if you somehow manage to become a part of him, he gets too over protective and loves skinship.


「 25 years old. straight. single. ceo. 」


...listen up while I'm still playing nice.

cr. 星繁