Personal Message
life is what you make of it
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Yixing's personal life is far from stellar, he really has very little contact with his parents, mostly because he chooses it to be that way. His father had never been very accepting of him and that had manifested itself early in his life when the slender, pale boy had starting sprouting bruises randomly. One day 3 years ago his father's anger got the better of him and he beat Yixing enough that the other lost his sight.  It's taken him awhile to get back to the level he was at before but he can dance just as well as he used to and he truly doesn't want anyone to feel sorry for him.  Ever since he was able to take care of himself Yixing has stayed away from home. He works hard to put himself through school often using his skills as a musician and dancer to pay the bills. Yixing hides his loneliness and sadness inside and expresses himself through his dance and trying to be the opposite of all his father stands for. He'll make excuses for any bruises that appear, and stick to his story even if it isn't at all believable. The friends he has he holds dear to his heart, but he holds a little spark of hope inside that maybe he won't be alone for too long.
mr zhang yixing
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Plot lines:
Roommate - Yixing needs someone who is willing to help him around an apartment/dorm  [Sehun]
Bully - Someone who continuously torments Yixing due to his blindness [Open]
Best Friend(s) - Someone(s) Yixing can turn to whenever he has a problem and will stick with him - [Open]
Past Relationship - Someone who understands all of Yixing's little quirks and knew him before he was blind -[Open]
Older brother/sister - could be a half sibling, someone who checks in on Yixing - [Open]
[More coming as I think of them..or shoot me an idea XD]
i love you  
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Love isn't bline
Amidst all this darkness he is my source of light.
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profile credit to -xfantasticgurl of flashback layout shop
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