Personal Message

Roleplaying @ Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as Son Naeun from APink


Son Naeun

I introduce to you, Son Naeun. A sixteen year old, Fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This girl is a half-blood belonging to the house of Hufflepuff. Just a typical Hufflepuff kind of girl. Nice, sweet, caring, but something most Hufflpuff do not have. Being smart. Most Hufflepuffs are known to be the nice people, Gryffindors are known to be the brave and outgoing people, Slytherins are known to be the rude ones, and the Ravenclaws are the ones that are smart. Naeun comes from a long line of Hufflepuffs. But every generation, there is at least one Ravenclaw. If Naeun has the potential of being in Ravenclaw, a great one in fact, why is she in Hufflepuff? She even wonders if the Sorting Hat put her in the right House. 

Listen My Baby
Status: Single, Straight, Not Looking So Don't Even Bother

What are you doing? Go ahead! Talk to me!