Personal Message



Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

A-yo, what up? I'm Zico

Woo jiho, formally

Careful what you say around me, because i don't hold back.

I am not afraid to challenge others, and being a pureblood, i have quite a few tricks up my sleeve.

I am the only family member of my family to have graduated as a slytherin- they were a long line of pure gryffindors. This does not shame me, nor does it shame my family. They still embrace me with open arms, although my brother does always joke that my career choice is ironic.

I am studying to be a potions master. 

potion specialty: tbd





W O O 'M O T H E R I N G' J I H O








|| woo ji ho || insert || insert || insert || insert ||


whatcha wannaknowabout me

I only answer too Zico

I stand over your at Potions es!

Dont look my way I'm straight

Made as I am on September 14, 1992

my past mademewhat I am

iA-yo, what up? I'm Zico, Woo jiho, formally

Careful what you say around me, because i don't hold back.

I am not afraid to challenge others, and being a pureblood, i have quite a few tricks up my sleeve.

I am the only family member of my family to have graduated as a slytherin- they were a long line of pure gryffindors. This does not shame me, nor does it shame my family. They still embrace me with open arms, although my brother does always joke that my career choice is ironic.

                                                                                                             I am studying to be a potions master. 

                                                                                                            potion specialty: tbd










No one yet

loved you since;

ayy yooo no one yet beezeez 


touch them Ikillyou

profile credit L I F T Y O U R H E A D U P