Personal Message


Before Kim Jongin opens his mouth, he really does seem like he fits right in on Yonsei’s grounds. Like most of his classmates, both of his parents are celebrated doctors in their fields, and the Kim name can be found in almost any bookstore. In addition to the name, Jongin certainly has looks that would rival any attractive male, he doesn’t have too much of a problem finding a girl to spend the night with. A generation ago, both of his parents had attended Yonsei themselves and were fairly well respected by their classmates and teachers. That, however, is truly not the case with Jongin. Ever since day one, he has had a bit of a rebellious streak. All his parents wanted was for him to speak in medical terminology before middle school, but instead, he failed fifth-grade science.

While he didn’t exactly want to fit into the mold his parents had in mind, he certainly did care for them. Growing up, he had lived a charmed life; his parents rarely ever fought and he always had whatever it was that he needed. Though at times it was hard for his parents to come to terms with the fact that their son was nothing like them at all, the three of them maintained a relatively healthy relationship. Well, at least they did until he was dropped off on campus. Jongin was well-mannered and considerate until Yonsei got a hold of him. In just a few months he went from your typical athlete to a liar and a cheat. Living among the lies and debauchery of his classmates had proved too much, and like most others, he was eventually corrupted. In fact, Jongin had changed so suddenly that nothing seemed to matter to him anymore. The change in him had become so drastic that the morning after he found himself grinning at the great opportunity who had, quite literally, fallen into his lap. 

No one knows exactly what brought on this sudden change in him. But after spending his summer off campus grounds, Jongin is beginning to regret the things he has done. Though he feels bad, he hasn’t made any move towards improvement. These days, when Jongin isn’t wreaking havoc at parties or trying to trick some poor girl into his bed, he spends most of his time perfecting his craft. At some point, his parents had stopped pushing the medical book in front of his face, and allowed him to enroll in a few music classes. People at Yonsei don’t really get aspiring dancers, or artists of any kind for that matter, but Jongin wasn't going to let any of the students here stop him from holding onto the one thing that they haven’t changed about him yet.