Personal Message
Name: Ham EunJung
Age: 24
Orientation: ---Boys---Girls{Sometimes}---None---Everything---Food---
Status:---Single---Taken---It's complicated---Notinterested---
Occupation: Master

Eyecandy: <3 Him <3

Earcandy: BTS Bulletproof 2
Crushing? ---In love <3--
Ideal Type: Jungkook

Lover: Jungkook


I love you, everything about you. From the moment we met I knew you were different. I wan't to know more about you and spend my life just being with you. You seem to always make me smile. You're the sweetest person I know and love. Nothing can come between us, nothing matters but the fact that I love you. I will always be at your side, how amazing it is to spend my life with a person like you. 


EunJung's Story:

It all started the day I turned 13. My parents and brother were killed and I ran. I was found in a ditch covered in blood and taken away by my kid-napper. I was and abused for 2 years until I was found. Scarred and pregnant, they took me in for harsh questioning. Through all the stress I had a miscarriage. I ran from them and traveled around looking for something. Any family, friend, just a familiar face. None of them recognized me or would believe it was me. So after finall giving up I found the mansion. 

What to expect?
EunJung doesn't do well in bad situations. I tend to become frustrated and panicked in forced . I don't particularly like or rough things. I will however pleasure you in anyway that you ask me to. She will take well to ideas and being asked. Don't use derogatory terms with her. She can be an angry, sarcastic, or a loving, y, angel. Your choice.



I mirror so semi-para to multi-para.

I strongly prefer 3rd POV

Just ask and we can plot together

For now I'm online for around 9 hours+ a day.

That will change on August 26th, the day I start school.