Personal Message




lee jihyun is a person with no will to live. she is stuck living in a reality that she created herself, in a dream she trapped herself into. building walls to cut off any person to come near her, she hates people who hurt her. she hates the dome, she hates her life, and the only thing that keeps her alive and happy is her silly dream of a savior, and slowly she'll kill herself in the process. she's no longer the happy jihyun, she's now qri a fatal dreamer.                   






lee jihyun.
mentally falling in love
if my emotions bothered you, i will go now with tears ©
lost. that is what she was, a person with no direction. from the moment the idea of the dome was created, lee jihyun didn't like it, she loathed it. the dome would take away her only family, her brother and she knew once he went in, he'd never come out. silently she hated the idea of the dome, she hated it with her whole heart and she remained that way for a very long time. until her brother commited suicide. now, caught and thrown into the dome herself for protesting against it, she lives in solitude and silent brooding. she hated life inside the dome, and started to long for some prince to save her. dreaming of a prince, a savior, someone who would save her from her misery, she was becoming delusional. her heart was in eternal misery and her mind would start to play tricks on her. the only thing she would think about to occupy her time was 'when will my prince come to save me?" but, she knew at the back of her mind that wound never happen. but, she can dream right?
i'm lost, tired, dead and most of all, a dreamer.




i am a very awkward person, i really like 3-pov rps (no duh).  I give back as much as you give me.  I am a semi para writer and i love plotting stuff.  I like angst plots and things that really display emotion.  I sometimes forget to reply and stuff so please if i haven't replied in two to three days bother me and i'll reply.  I'm in na on the east cast, i think my timezone is gmt-6 (can't remember).  so below are some plots i'm dying to use for this rp.  talk to me if you wanna do them and yeah.
escape to the rooftop- anyone (female)
two strangers meet on the rooftop of the tower in a attempt to escape reality's harsh circumstances.  they talk and realize things that they've never found out before.
alleyway saviors- domers or analyst (male)
unknowingly wandering into the abadoned alleyway, qri has a run in with a couple of guys with bad intentions.  luckily she is saved by a somewhat kind soul but, the man who saves her is cold.  with her wishful personality, can she warm the man up with her dreams? and can the man realize that the dreams that she has are slowly killing her inside?
purgatory- analysts (yunho)
note- i will only do this plot with a person that i think would suit the role.
with the pressures of being in the dome causes problems with everyones sanity.  two people meet up at a bar and before anyone knows it they are drunk and he's bringing her home.  they don't stop after that and they keep on having this dangerous relationship.  qri thinks hes her prince come to rescue her but the intellegence, calculating and down to earth personality of the man knows that he cannot be her prince and they can't keep on doing this.  but it feels so right that they keep on meeting up, what will they do?
please DO NOT steal my plots!