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Roleplaying @ Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as [Yonghwa] from [Cn Blue]



yonghwa » ravenclaw » sixteen » year 5



Yonghwa is the son of a rebellious pure-blood and a sweet muggle-born. It was a surprise to both of them when he got sorted into ravenclawas neither of them did that well in their studies at Hogwarts. Yonghwa lives up to the stereotype well. He gets better than average grades and follows a the rules properly. While being a smart well-mannered kid, he doesn't mind hanging out with people in other houses however it's hard not to avoid the hufflepuffs and make judgments about them. Yonghwa loves music more than anything and would like to get other students together to preform a student band, as the Hogwarts choir just doesn't do it for him.

single » never looking » believes in fate for true love.