

                    승무원 보이즈의 선두 주자


 K   I    M 


 J  I  N





Kim Seok Jin or better know as Jin were the only one son of the most stronger gangster and every type of people that getting involve with their 'business' will know who is he and will never stay close to him.This is the mafia world,of course there's a few time that he will get kidnapped or everything but all of that will just ending with the kidnapper's body can't being found and nobody know where that person go.Jin's father already dead due to illness and now he live with his mother.Jin's mother didn't know that his son already being a leader of the gang that his husband into before because he never say anything about it towards her.Jin take it lightly and not that like to get into the mafia world.He seem calm and somehow weak,but he loyal and can be a devil if there's something happen towards his gang's member.

Jin will helped his mother's nail shop with being a waiter there or sometimes will do the customers nails.Jin didn't mind about that since he's already fine with all of that.Jin didn't like to fight a lot even though he good in it.Each time they have to deal with the dealer or anything,Jin will try to be nice but if that person didn't want to work together with him nicely,they will seen how the devil deal it with all the things he done.Jin will always hangout with his gang's member and try to do something fun with them as take  a good 'walk' around the city at the night and something that's didn't make him to do a hard work.Jin have many people around him and they will laugh with each other like nothing happen in their life each time they meet with each other.Jin really care about his gang and because of that they loyal to him.That's the first reason while the second was they didn't want to die yet just because doing something stupid that they shouldn't do.Jin have a sharp eyes and he knew what his gang's member doing even though they try to hide it.