

     LISTENING - whatever // this and that.





( song jieun // may the fifth // witch )

( name // name // name // name // name )

I may look young, but I'm actually 256 years old. I'm born full-blood witch.

I've been learning about witchcraft since young, mostly taught by my mother and my friends.

We've been through so many hard times during our lives, but we still keep going on strong.

In this modern life, we tried to blend in with the mundanes.

It's hard for the first time, since I'm a bit eccentric.

Like how the way I wear my clothes, I love red so much.

Currently I'm studying at Brooklyn College and working as a Librarian in BPL.

 Even though my schedules are packed, I still spare a time to polishing my witch craft skills.

You may think that I'm an evil witch, but please-- please don't judge the book by its cover.

I'm a witch, but I meant no harm if someone doesn't tick me off.

If you want to destroy me, then I shall be your nightmare.