Personal Message



                                DO YOU REMEMBER ALL THESE?
i counted the number of "i love you"s we shared. and although i might have left out some by accident, these are as much as i can find. be it "love" or "loved" or "you love me", they make me flutter all the time. i counted and realised you said more than i did. and for that, i want to say sorry. sorry for not returning the amount of love you'd given me, for not giving you the love you wanted and deserved. but i want you to know that the meaning and sincerity my "i love you"s hold are as much as yours did. maybe not anymore, but back then. i have so many things to apologise for. but most importantly for not keepng my word and holding you close. for letting you slip away and for letting you have a change of heart. and then there are the things i want to thank you for. like for making my heart flutter in an indescribable, uncontainable way. for teaching me how to dedicate my love to one person forever and ever. for teaching me what love is. i can't be more thankful for that. i'm not sure if you have things you regret, but i don't. because every thing i've done, whether you think is bad or not, was done only because i love you. then and now. the only thing i regret was scarring & scaring you. i would've never did that intentionally. maybe i wasn't in my right state of mind, so i'm sorry. you know me better than anyone else - be it kris or nana. because you know who i loved, who i love, why i loved, why i love, when i started loving, when i will stop loving & that i love you. i'm not sure if you'd read this message to the end, but because i know that i've committed mistake after mistake and you don't deserve to be hurt any further than you already are, i wish you good luck. i don't wish you happiness or the two of you the best because i think i'd be lying if i did. but i simply wish you good luck in your relationship so you won't hurt anymore. purely for that reason & only that. i love you, kim nari. and i've said it before; always did & always will, now and forever. my heart will never stop loving u.






son of ariel & eric
son of ariel & eric
son of ariel & eric