-- kimjooseukhye
  kim seukhye    29/09    single & straight    courtier    angel  
being born and raised by two courtiers, seukhye knew almost everything you have to know to the a
courtier. even though she is a courtier, she has a very bright and likeable personality that manages
to charm everyone. though she has some small flaws like being clumsy, she is always refered to as
an "angel". but all perfect angels have a story to tell, all they need is some characters and the story
starts without anyone knowing. you can truth her with anything and she somehow manages to say the
right things at the right time. comforting words or words of happiness, seukhye was always fall in the
"innocent" list. if something was wrong, she would never be the suspect. who would think a girl like her
would do any bad things that will hurt others. she was also known as "joo" since sometimes people
could not pronouce her name correctly. she is very approchable and king hearted, caring even for the
littlest things.
-- my stories
`01 ; plotline , statues
credits to picture perfect