Personal Message

OOC - Want to RP?

Pop me a message or a PM out of character~  I'm not one to like being thrown in at the deep end without knowing the plot.

Unfortunately, I only do 3rdpov.

   i will watch them all go up in smoke
   i will set it all on fire
and watch it burn.
----------------------------- ( 永。FOREVER. )--------------------------  


It was exactly ten years ago that Kyungsoo first arrived at the Foster Home. Ten years ago that his parents were killed in a tragic house fire. Police investigating concluded it was arson, but the culprit was never found. Of course, Kyungsoo knew who it was. This damaged boy's eyes held many secrets, this was just one of those many. Ten years on, and Kyungsoo is still trapped inside of the Foster Home. Not once has he ever been adopted. One look into those big brown eyes and all potential parents were scared away. He lives under constant surveillance by the nurses, in fear that he will try to burn down the Home, or try to take his own life - the nurses finding him on more than one occasion with a blade or a noose to his neck. Kyungsoo is trapped. Trapped inside of his own head. No one has ever attempted to reach him and pull him out of the darkness. What he needs more than anything is a friend.