Personal Message


- single.

- straight.

- 22.

- .

- personality: sweet, blunt, reserved,

caring, accepting, and innocent.

- enjoys talking about life, poetry, the

beach, meeting new people, helping his

people, and others.

- he is a prince.

- wonders out in the forest to draw or

write at times.

























Once upon a time, there lived a little prince who was brought into a world corrupted with nothing but greed and lust. His parents had fell victim to that illness, and tried their hardest to make their son a hard, long worker for their business and personal affairs. Ever since he was little, Jongsuk was always fascinated with music, drawing, and animals. They either filled the void in his heart whenever his parents weren't around, or gave him a companion that was hard to get from the constant moving and back lashes from his parents. Through his teenage years, he was taught that people who weren't on the same "level" as him, were to be treated like trash, but he could never bring himself to even hurt a fly. whenever his parents laughed at the homeless people spread out on the streets and marched on by with their large plates of food, he would sneak a few pieces of bread and meat from the kitchen, and give it to the same people they laughed at.

Though not much has changed since he grew up ( with the protection or the demands ) Jongsuk has grown to love the bittersweet world and the aspects of life that he came to known.










PLOTS # 1 -3


11.16.13 these plots deal with people who are from jongsuk's past, and now emerging in his present. these plots are multi/para based and will fit for even male/female. since he is purely innocent right now, won't be presented at first on the plots, but will gradually be a suggestion over time ( if it leads to it ). I normally don't make my characters s, but i feel as if it fits sukkie a lot. Anyway, these plots are certain around friendship, drama, angst, fluff, or romance. either or can be done without a problem.








We go way back. Back to when we were running wild and didn't have to deal with any worries. But I started to grow up, along with you. And my parents didn't you see "fit" as being my friend. So they made it call it quits with you. I was afraid of you hating them, so I took the blame. "I don't want you in my life." was a bit harsh, but I never meant it. Till' this very day, I still think of you and if you're okay. All in all, I just want my friend back.

[ male or female / 0/1 / drama; fluff; friendship; comedy / 22+ ]



I know we're supposed to have actual super heroes as our role models - but in my eyes, you were my super hero. To see you come from such a torn family and struggle, I felt myself following in your footsteps in becoming someone... better. You taught me how to respect people who didn't have it like me, and things that I didn't get to do when I was a child. You were like the brother/father I never had. Even if my father was around, he didn't look after me like you were known for doing.

[ male only ; 0/1 / drama; comedy; friendship / 23+ ]



Whenever I think of you, I get all flustered and shy. I know we were young, but you were pretty much my first in everything. My first in loving someone other than my family, my first kiss, the first girl I held hands with - other than my mother, and the only girl I wonder about until this very day. You were always outgoing and beautiful, so it was only right for me to fall for you. But we broke up after my mother found out I was dating someone in the "low class" and cut off all connections.

[ female only ; 0/1 / 22+ / para+ / not a princess / drama; slight romance; friendship; angst ]



PLOTS # 4-6.


11.16.13 These plots are based on jongsuk's future and the ones who are now making some sort of impact in his life. the change, the future, and his own first crush that he knows of - is helping him develop in his still early life. notice, that jongsuk isn't ruthless like others, or naughty - in fact, he's the opposite. these plots are based around him developing into a man who can hold his own, and still be that sweet and charming prince that people fell in love with. watch him grow within these plots, and come to realization with the world and his family.









I guess you can say you were the one who started it all. I never really cared about the "classes", but actually doing something would be different. No matter how close I try to get to you, you just push me away. Whenever I see you on the streets or doing anything you can to make money, I offer to help - but get decline. I even stayed in the rain with you, and didn't regret it. You're slowly changing me... And... I like that.

[ female only ; 0/2; 18+ / not a princess / drama; fluff; angst; romance ]



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc.



I took a notice in you not too long ago, and at first - I thought you were one of the "fans" that left me gifts whenever I came back from my classes. but you were really different. my guard had told me that you were just like the rest of the girls that followed me around or tried to get my attention, but i knew you were different. i didn't think you had any feelings towards me, and we've worked on projects here and there together.

[ any class / 18+ / drama ; fluff ; comedy / para/semi / 0/2 ]